The Heart of Tarot 

The Heart of Tarot

Tarot Reading
On Deck

Cartomancy, or fortune-telling with Tarot cards, is an art as old as the hills. There are many theories tracing its origin in history. One claims that the practice is derived from a group of gypsies, while another assumption insists that the Chinese introduced the Tarot, which they brought from the east. Although both ideas are plausible, experts agree that the Knights Templar, an ancient military order, was responsible for the worldwide spread of Cartomancy.

A Tarot deck looks similar to a regular pack of playing cards. It has four suits numbered from ace to ten, but instead of clubs, hearts, spades and diamonds, the Tarot suits are wands, cups, swords and pentacles. In addition to these Minor cards are the Major cards also known as the Major Arcana. They do not belong to any suit and they possess their own numbers.

The principle behind card reading is not complex. If there are more Minor cards than Major, then the person's destiny is in his hands. If the opposite shows up, then the person's future is governed by fate. Each card has a specific meaning. For example, the death symbol represents transformation. It can be seen as signal of a great change in life or perspective. A skilled Tarot reader knows all cards by heart and understands the importance of corresponding combinations.

A number of these skilled readers work at different levels, but all of them are referred to as a counseling center for people in search of fulfillment. Today, numerous tarot card readers, not to mention skilled ones, offer a plethora of services, including dream interpretation and self-help workshops.

High school junior, Tiffany Mae Esponilla shares that she is interested in the field of psychotherapy. Tiffany discovered fortune-telling when she was only 12 years old. She admits that, as a child, she found the intricate cards attractive. Though the unusual hobby did not sit well with her mother, she pursued her love of Cartomancy and remained an avid supporter of the Tarot. It is her fascination with the cards' beauty that inspires her to believe in its so-called power until now.

In Tiffany's opinion, the success of a reading depends as much on the one seeking answers as it does on the reader. 'You only use the cards as a trigger, I do not let it control my life. I still believe in the power of prayers,' she says.

The primary purpose of the Tarot is to stimulate thought and inspire insight. A deck staple, like the King of Swords, can have multiple interpretations. A reader's job is to decide which interpretation works best for a client. Once this is achieved, a free-flowing discussion eventually follows. A single session can cover a myriad of topics. It's ultimately up to the client to resolve how far the cards will go.

The goal of every reading is to reach a certain level of enlightenment. The cards, through their symbolisms, can tell a lot about people, making them more aware of themselves. It is this self-awareness that spurs change. A reading can be productive regardless of the outcome of a shuffle, because even a bad omen can serve as mechanism for improvement.

Tiffany believes that everybody possesses the potential to be readers, she herself would want to be one. "The only prerequisite in learning the secrets of the Tarot is the desire to do so. It takes a lot of passion to comprehend the cards that some people spend their entire lives trying to master," she shares.

'Our mind has the ability to affect things,' says Tiffany. She assumes that all human beings possess a special form of energy also known as aura. A person's aura determines the result of every draw from the deck.

Her philosophy is that cards are not just random variables. Instead, Tiffany believes that they are symbols influenced by our thoughts. Tiffany herself, dismisses the notion that Tarot readings are absolute predictions of the future.

According to her, a reading is more an assessment of one's life rather than a disclosure of things to come. She likens the cards to tiny pieces of mirror which, when put together, reflect a person's life and state of mind. "Among all the many sessions I have been into, the readers usually do not specify by giving descriptions of dates, people, or events. The only thing they can offer is advice based on the session and their client's reactions," she says.

In the end, Tiffany hopes people will get rid of all their discriminations toward the Tarot. She understands the controversy surrounding the practice, especially when placed alongside religion. Tiffany is Catholic and she swears that her interest in the Tarot does not collide with the Christian faith. 'You always try to be connected with the Almighty because they are the ones guiding you,' she says. 'He is the one guiding me, not the reader.'

Sofia,* a political science major changed her outlook on the Tarot. She had always been afraid of divination because she found the concept too mystical and pagan-like. Luckily, Sofia's curiosity won over her fear and she finally decided to go to participate in a card reading. After the procedure, Sofia realized that no magic or evil was involved in the activity. It was simply a counseling session with a man trying to help her figure things out. She discovered that her energy was supposedly attached to her chosen cards and for a moment, everything made sense.

The reader gave her an affirmation card with words she was supposed to recite every morning. She realizes that the reading may have actually helped her out; she felt more in control of herself. 'I feel empowered,' she says.

This feeling of empowerment is exactly what all readers want their clients to feel. It is with this belief that the world is not beyond a person's control. Indeed, there are incidents that cannot be avoided. But these accidents should not derail people from reaching their goals in life. While the Tarot and its practitioners may never be accepted in society, they will always be around as long as there are those who believe.

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