Hillary re-exposed 

Hillary re-exposed

Tarot Reading
A: That she remains consistent and has been consistent since she was 8 years old. She developed a grandiose idea of her own self-importance and has never been shaken in that conviction throughout her years in politics.

Q: What have you learned about the mainstream media since your book came out?

A: The mainstream media, in the year since my hardcover edition came out, have fallen slightly out of love with Hillary because of her backing of the war in Iraq. And the vehemence with which they once supported her is no longer as evident. It would be no exaggeration to say that the mainstream media and the base of the Democratic Party are now actively looking for another candidate to back in 2008.

Q: What have you learned about conservatives in the last year that has not pleased you?

A: There are some conservatives who appear to be conservatives in name only and are more interested in sipping Chablis with their liberal friends at New York cocktail parties and out in South Hampton and East Hampton than they are in the conservative cause. Among those who I would call Chablis conservatives are people like John Podhoretz of the New York Post and Peggy Noonan, who are more concerned with how they are treated by their liberal friends than they are with their adherence to conservative principles.

Q: When we talked last year, you said Hillary's whole life was a sham and she couldn't be trusted with the presidency. Do you regret or retract anything that you wrote?

A: Quite the contrary. I not only stand by what I wrote, but I'm very glad that I wrote it because it had to be said. I think a lot of what I wrote about Hillary -- that she is untrustworthy, that she is a liar, that she is a sham, all of those things for which I was attacked by so many people -- have now become clearer to everyone, even to some people left of center. ... Her posing as a God-fearing moderate who is against flag burning and in favor of Mom and apple pie doesn't fool many people any longer.

Q: Your next book is going to be about Katie Couric. Is there anything you can tell us about that?

A: I can only say that whereas my book on Hillary was intended to be a polemic against Hillary because I did not and do not want to see her become president of the United States, the book on Katie Couric is going to be much more of a journalistic, fair-and-balanced enterprise.

Ann Coulter: Quick Quotes

We asked Ann Coulter this week to personally select a paragraph or two from her best-selling book "Godless" that she wished her critics had concentrated on instead of harping about what she said about the "Jersey Girls," the anti-war widows of 9/11. Here' are the ones she e-mailed to us:

Our book is Genesis. Their book is Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring," the original environmental hoax. Carson brainwashed an entire generation into imagining a world without birds, killed by DDT. Nazi concentration camp victims were bathed in DDT when they were rescued to save their lives. But because of liberals' druidical religious beliefs, they won't allow us to save Africans dying in droves of malaria with DDT because DDT might hurt the birds. A few years after oil drilling began in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, a saboteur set off an explosion blowing a hole in the pipeline and releasing an estimated 550,000 gallons of oil. It was one of the most devastating environmental disasters in recent history. Six weeks later, all the birds were back. Birds are like rats -- you couldn't get rid of them if you tried.

Liberalism is a comprehensive belief system denying the Christian belief in man's immortal soul. Their religion holds that there is nothing sacred about human consciousness. It's just an accident no more significant than our possession of opposable thumbs. They deny what we know about ourselves, that we are moral beings in God's image. Without this fundamental understanding of man's place in the world, we risk being lured into misguided pursuits including bestiality, slavery, and PETA membership. Liberals swoon in pagan admiration of Mother Earth, mystified and overawed by her power. They deny the Biblical idea of dominion and progress, the most ringing affirmation of which is the United States of America.

Although they are Druids, liberals masquerade as rationalists, adopting a sneering tone of scientific sophistication, which is a little like being condescended to by a Tarot card reader. Liberals hate science and react badly to it. They will literally run from the room, light-headed and nauseated, when told of data that might suggest that the sexes have different abilities in math and science. They repudiate science when it contradicts their pagan beliefs -- that the AIDS virus doesn't discriminate, that there is no such a thing as I.Q., that nuclear power is dangerous and scary, or that breast implants cause disease. Liberals use the word "science" exactly like they use the word "constitutional." Both words are nothing more or less than a general statement of liberal approval, having nothing to do with either science or the constitution. (Thus for example, the following sentence makes sense to liberals: President Clinton saved the Constitution by repeatedly ejaculating on a fat Jewish girl in the Oval Office.)

Everything liberals believe is in elegant opposition to basic Biblical precepts.

Our religion says that human progress proceeds from the spark of divinity in the human soul; Their religion holds that human progress is achieved through sex and death.

We believe in invention and creation; they catalogue with stupefaction the current state of our diminishing resources and tell us to stop consuming.

We say humans stand apart from the world and our charge is planet earth; They say we are part of the world, and our hubristic use of nature is sinful.

We say humans are in God's image; They say we are no different from the apes.

We believe in populating the earth until there's standing room only and then colonizing Mars; They believe humans are in the twilight of their existence.

Liberals beatify health, no-smoking, camping, non-fossil-fuel travel, organic foods - all while creating exotic new diseases in pursuit of polymorphous perversity. Don't be confused by your capacity for reason! We're just apes. A chief ingredient of the liberal religion is the bestialization of humanity. So on one hand, we have to give up on SUVs, snow mobiles, and indoor plumbing, but on the other hand -- at least we get the funky bestial behavior! (Including actual bestiality - keep reading!) They believe in the coarse physical appropriation of women by men -- hook-ups, trophy wives, strip clubs. Through movies, magazines and TV, liberals promote a cult of idealized beauty that is so extreme as to be unimaginable. We must listen to Hollywood airheads like Julia Roberts and George Clooney because they are beautiful. Today's worship of physical perfection is more grotesque than Hitler's notion of the Aryan.

Box of Books

"White Guilt : How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era" by Shelby Steele (HarperCollins)

Blacks in America, Steele says, have traded away their personal responsibility and control of their own destinies for a belief in their own permanent victimhood and a dependency on government handouts (like affirmative action) from white liberals who feel guilty about the country's racist past. Steele, whom George Will calls "America's most discerning black writer," is a Hoover Institution fellow. Will says he "casts a cool eye on yet another soft bigotry of low expectations" that destroys blacks' individuality and reduces them to helpless victims of their skin color and an allegedly racist social structure.

"Death in the Haymarket : A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement, and the Bombing That Divided Gilded Age America" by James Green (Pantheon)

Only seven policemen were killed in Chicago on May 4, 1886, when a bomb was set off at a riot following a labor union rally in a farmers market. But thanks to the sensationalistic coverage by newspapers of the subsequent trial of the alleged ringleaders, what became known as the Haymarket Riot created the country's first "Red Scare" and set back the labor union movement for decades. Though subsequently shown to be innocent, four of eight convicted socialist-anarchist labor leaders were hanged. Critics have generally praised labor professor Green's readable account of the tumultuous era, the riot and the long-term effect the controversy had on labor unionism.

"Depression, War, and Cold War: Studies in Political Economy" By Robert Higgs (Oxford University Press)

No American knows more about the link between the growth of Big Government and war than Higgs, whose 1989 classic "Crisis and Leviathan" documented how each new war or economic crisis ratchets up government's size and power at the expense of individual liberty and a free society. This time economic historian Higgs asks -- and answers -- such questions as why the Great Depression lasted so long, how the Cold War altered relations between government and big business and how Congress abetted the growth of the military-industrial complex.

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